A Free Demo of Sword of Convallaria to be Part of Steam Next Fest

jasonnieva January 21, 2024

There's still no release date for the upcoming fantasy tactical JRPG Sword of Convallaria. So far what we know is that it's coming out this year. There is some good news since it appears that the game is going to be part of the upcoming Steam Next Fest which starts February 5. What this means is that players have the chance to step inside the world of Iria and experience a good combination of turn-based strategy and pixel art aesthetics through an exclusive demo.

Gameplay Demo

The upcoming gameplay demo is set to offer as much as 10 hours of single-player story content. This should be enough for players to get a taste of what's waiting for them when the game releases. Speaking of release, developers XD Inc. confirmed that the game is going to be free-to-play for the PC through Steam along with mobile platforms via Android and iOS. It's also going to be ported for consoles but at a future date.

Tactical Fights

In the game, players get to try out genuine grid-based tactical battles where their skills and strategies are sure to be tested. They'll need to form a team and recruit from a roster of companions available at the tavern. They then have to train the members of the team powerful attacks as well as hone though unique stats and abilities.

Enjoy the Music

Making the gameplay experience even better is music producer Hitoshi Sakimoto lending his expertise to the game with what may be his finest musical pieces. Sakimoto is known for scoring other titles like FF Tactics, FFXII, and Tactics Ogre.

Enhancing the production quality further are more than 40 anime and game voice-actors that include the likes of like Kazuhiko Inoue (Naruto, Final Fantasy XV, Fire Emblem Heroes), Aoi Yūki (Pokemon, Xenoblade Chronicles, Genshin Impact), and Takuya Eguchi (Spy x Family, Granblue Fantasy, BLUELOCK).

PC Specs

For those excited for the game, check out the specs with the minimum requirements being:

  • OS: Windows 7, 64bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 2500
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660Ti
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 10 GB available space

Wishlist Sword of Convallaria on Steam now.