A new update is now live in Rust and introduces a rather interesting new mechanic to the survival experience. It's all about bees and they're useful to players in different ways.
To get access to this new mechanic, players need to find a Beehive in the wild. It's worth noting that they have a chance to find them on an Oak Tree. Once they find that, it's time to harvest. Obviously, the bees won't take it lying down. Once you destroy a hive, the bees are sure to come. They may be a formidable enemy but there are ways to counter them. For example players can wear a Hazmat suit or throw water over themselves. Then there's always the trusty Flamethrower.
Once they get the Honeycomb, they'll have to extract honey since it can be used in different ways. It can be used as food or as an ingredient in cooking recipes.
The Beehive
When creating honey, there's a chance to spawn what's known as a Beehive Nucleus. They can then look for a deployable which can turn into a Honeycomb once a Nucleus is placed inside it. There are some reminders when it comes to Beehives and these are:
- Beehives like to be Outside so there needs to be a few open air walls around them.
- They don't like it when it rains so be sure to keep them under shelter or have a fire running nearby.
- They are fussy with temperature so make sure that they're built in more Temperate areas or use heaters.
Bee Grenade
It's now all food though as players can also obtain the Bee Grenade. This is a new weapon where they can create Bee Swarms. After being thrown, the Swarms then slowly create up to three smaller Swarms to attack players in a nearby radius and operate the same as the Natural Beehive Swarms.
This is just one of the many new features introduced in Rust through the Crafting Update. Get to know more about it here.
Rust is a game where the goal is simple and that is to survive. That’s because you’ve been transported to a mysterious island where everything is out to get you. Do whatever it takes to last another night. Get Rust via Steam now.