Kickstarter Campaign for Codename: Zalidium Cancelled

jasonnieva September 23, 2024

Iconiel LTD has announced that the Kickstarter campaign for the upcoming title Codename: Zalidium. The target was $5,323 and despite that modest amount, it seemed that there was lack of interest in the project.

The campaign was started back in August 31. Some of the rewards included getting a physical copy of the game and the chance to be an NPC in the game. However, as of this writing there were only four backers with total contribution of $101.

While this does indeed sound rather sad, it hasn't dampened the spirit of solo developer Nathan Osborn. While the campaign was cancelled to prevent any additional pledges, he revealed that he's rewarding the dedicated backers who had believed in the project. In a statement, he shared that he actually had five prototypes made using his own money. This means, according to Osborn, he has "four copies to give away." Since there are the ones which have been made, there is a large possibility that their value would increase especially once the official game is launched.

He went on to say that he thanks those who believe in the game and even with the fiscal challenges, he assured everyone that he remains "committed to delivering a great game."

Welcome Agent

In the game, players are tasked with exploring the mysteriously deserted town that is Turpentine Ridge. They get to join the agents on an adventure that's presented in a rather unique, cartoonish, and b-movie horror style. As they look for clues to learn more about the strange events which lead to their existence, they'll also have to fight against goblins if they want to survive.

Choose a Character

One of the main features of the game is for players to choose from three characters. There’s the main player with the second player being a human player through co-op are an AI. The third one is the handler which helps players by giving advice and even technology. With three agents working on the case, there’s going to be a lot of witty banter for sure.

Other features of the game are:

  • Explore various locations to uncover clues that unravel the strange events that led to Turpentine Ridge being abandoned.
  • Defeat waves of goblins using a variety of weapons.
  • Enjoy epic music from Nicole Marie T and slide guitar by none other than Nathan Osborn.

Wishlist Codename: Zalidium on Steam now.