See If You Have What it Takes to Survive Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers

jasonnieva August 13, 2024

By itself, blackjack is a straightforward card game. By that we mean the rules are clear and the game mechanics is not difficult to understand. Developer Purple Moss Collectors though is offering something different with Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers. In this one, you'll need to play what can be described as a corrupted version of blackjack.

Indeed, it's not a simple game of blackjack anymore, especially with how things are. Hearts for example is all about healing with spades being there to offer some protection. Meanwhile, diamonds allow you to have more currency and get those much-needed shop purchases. Finally, clubs let you deal some extra damage. That's not all since the game also lets you remove cards from the deck as you progress. You can also pick up more aces and even face cards. It's even possible to fill the deck with tarot cards, business cards, or even birthday cards, to name a few.

Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers came out last week and over on Steam, it's being offered at 10% discount until August 23.

More Work

Talking about the release of the game, the studio revealed in a post that they're "blown away" at just how many have bought the game and spend countless hours fighting their way through the tavern. There's no question that the response to the game has been truly incredible but the studio admits there's still more work that needs to be done.

Fixing Bugs

For starters, it seems that the studio has continued to fix critical bugs and has promised to continue doing so. The studio also shared that they're working as well on the balance of the game. In particular, it seems that players have found some of the early encounters to be rather punishing. This has resulted in some fights should have been a win to swing in favor of the opponent.

Another thing that the studio is working on are more impactful cards which can result to better deck manipulation. Hopefully, they'll be able to give players early access to these cards. Other issues being looked into are enemies getting too many shields and fights turning into longer encounters that expected.

What do you think? Can you survive and emerge victorious?