Stardeus Gets New AI System with the Latest Update

jasonnieva July 24, 2024

The biggest update since Stardeus entered Early Access has finally arrived. It was originally planned to be called as "New Beings." However, given the scope of what actually came out, it's now titled as "Bioverse." There's a lot of new content and one of these is the new AI System.

You see when the game was first released, it was clear that the AI wasn't really that great. Not only were there plenty of bugs but the colonist showed behavior that can be described as dull and boring. In a post, developer Kodo Linija revealed that what they did was to uproot the old AI system and introduce a version that was more flexible and refined.

As such, the studio shared that the new AI system is based on GOAP or Goal Oriented Action Planning. This is the same system that was first introduced by F.E.A.R. and later used by other games that include S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas.

That said, to make the rewrite happen, the studio has to redesign and reimplement each single AI behavior from scratch. In addition, there were also new behaviors added. As a result, the new AI seems to have solved a large number of bugs that were present in the old AI had.

New Combat System

One of the consequences of having a new AI System was the introduction of a new combat system. It appears that that if the old AI system was bad, the old combat system was even worse. That's because it had its own separate AI implementation.

The new AI system is now the same one that drives the new combat system. Thus, fighters now behave in more interesting ways. That's not all since this new combat system also introduces a new damage model. It's now based on damage made to individual body parts rather than the typical system where the character dies when their health becomes zero.

What do you think of this new update? Interested in trying out the game? You can get Stardeus for the PC via Steam.