A new update for Conan Exiles is set to be released on March 25. It's going to introduce a lot of changes and fixes.
In a post, Funcom gave a peek on what to expect for this upcoming update. For one, the Stygian Legion is going to be withdrawing from al-Merayah Keep, which is going to be demolished and removed permanently. This area is planned to be under the Dogs of the Desert. It appears that they've been drawn to the cave shrine that's linked to Jhebbal Sag. The change is based on the feedback obtained and its impact on the performance.
The studio also shared that they'll be readjusting the Stamina. A lot of players have been saying that the cost of stamina is apparently too high. The studio said that they want to meet in the middle and while the cost of attacks across the board is being lowered by 50%, the regen is being increased to (mostly) their old values.
Players can also look forward to getting their hands on a new item which is a compass. It can be unlocked via the Wayfinder knowledge. Once players craft the item, all they need to do is keep it in their inventory and they'll see a new heading indicator next to their temperature.
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Now is a good time to buy the game since it’s being offered at 90% off for a limited period. There’s even a bundle available that’s also at a discounted price.
Conan Exiles is an online multiplayer survival game set in the brutal lands of the iconic Conan the Barbarian. The game features an immersive, open-world sandbox where players are free to build, explore, and thrive alongside other players in a shared world. The game can be played solo or in co-op, offering a persistent online multiplayer experience.
One key feature of Conan Exiles is the rich and varied gameplay - from braving harsh climates to scavenging scarce resources, players must harness their survival instincts to stay alive. Exploring expansive environments, uncovering secrets in crumbling ruins and utilizing strategic combat prowess form fundamental parts of the gameplay.
Another feature of the game is the concept of Ages. Each Age brings its theme, free gameplay updates, and Battle Passes which allows the developers to introduce new features and improvements while rewarding players with exclusive themed cosmetics. The latest one is Age of Heroes released back in October 2024.
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