The Eldritch Realms Opens Up in Age of Wonders 4 this June 18

jasonnieva June 03, 2024

The newest major expansion for Age of Wonders 4 is all set to be launched on June 18. Dubbed as Eldritch Realms, it's set to an a completely new later to the in-game world. There's going to be a new playable ruler type for example along with new tomes of magic. Players can also look forward to new physical forms, new mounts, and even new events.

The new expansion is priced at $19.99. However, those who bought the Premium Edition or the Expansion Pass get to receive the new expansion Realms as part of their purchase once it launches.

Eldritch Realms opens up the Umbral Abyss, which is a new layer of the map where corruption runs rampant and horrors beyond comprehension are just lying in wait to consume all that is good in the world. Venturing into this realm is actually harmful to mortals and Godir alike. However, with transformative magic, those who are brave enough get to unlock the powerful secrets that are lying within.

As mentioned, the upcoming expansion is all set to introduce a lot of new content. The new map layer which is The Umbral Abyss introduces everyone to new tactical combat maps and unique locations to explore. There are also new independent factions of Umbral dwellers that players can check out. New ruler type is also being added which are the Eldritch Sovereigns. These are ancient beings of terrible power and have been corrupted by the Umbral Abyss. They possess a unique Thrall spell casting mechanic.

There is also a new event system where mini-crises threaten all rulers at once in the Cosmic Happenings. These are a series of events that have unique tactical maps, units, mechanics, and of course, powerful rewards.

Players should also be happy to know about the three new Tomes. There's the Tome of the Tentacle that can tighten one's grasp. Tome of Corruption meanwhile turns the strength of enemies into weakness. Finally, there the Tome of Cleansing Flame which can drive back the darkness. Two new forms are being added as well with the first once being the Swarm which allows players to enter the battle as a faction of Insects. The second are the Syrons, which brings to mind the Age of Wonders’ past.

Age of Wonders 4 is available for the PC via Steam. It's also out on consoles PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.