The Revenant is Ready to Show its Power in EVE Online this November

jasonnieva October 14, 2024

Looks like the stage is set for the next expansion of EVE Online. Dubbed as "Revenant," it sees old threats reemerging and has the ongoing Deathless Saga take a rather unexpected turn. The new content launches worldwide on November 12.

The story follows the Drifters, who have managed to lay siege to the Deathless in Zarzakh. They've targeted a structure which is shrouded and mysterious while also having the markings of ancient technology. In the wake of battle, the Deathless have called upon the capsuleers of New Eden to help them in learning more about its secrets and standing together in the face of rising chaos and conflict.

Fighting the Drifters

The upcoming expansion offers players new ways to build up their war arsenal when it comes to the fight versus the Drifters. To help the Deathless, players can unlock structures as they try to secure ancient artifacts. In return they can get their hands on formidable technology that's sure to swing the scales in their favor. There are mercenary dens available within the nullsec which can be constructed and once that's done, they can then be strategically deployed around skyhooks. These allow for encrypted infomorphs to be generated which can then be exchanged with the Deathless to get cutting-edge qeaponry and advanced new ships. By the way, to increase the production of encrypted infomorphs, players can take on Tactical Operations.

Speaking of ships, players can get unique ones like the Tholos (destroyer) and Cenotaph (battlecruiser). These ships specialize in close-range battles and let players get tactical utility across PvP and PvE combat.

Building Potential

The new expansion is also introducing new ways for players to unlock not only their collective potential but also the individual ones. They can build stronger groups for example through enhanced Corporation Projects. It’s also possible to streamline goals by merging diverse activities into one project by using expanded parameters and then customize projects by setting deadlines and placing participation limits.

Improved Customization

Players can also try and elevate their creativity when the expansion releases. The different options should allow for their creations to new heights. They can start by experimenting with new nanocoatings and patterns by mixing them together to craft those stunning SKINS.

What do you think? Excited for the new expansion? Get EVE Online on Steam now.