"A Timely Intervention" is an innovative RPG featuring animated battle visuals, polished gameplay mechanisms, an intricate storyline and a cast of colourful characters. Developed by the team behind "The Tale of a Common Man", it’s a must-have for fans of the genre!
RPG Gamers summaryA Timely Intervention is an innovative role-playing game that takes you on a thrilling journey through time, where you must make difficult choices and face the consequences of your actions. Play as two separate parties, as the story goes back and forth between them, and customize your game to suit your preferences. With 8-direction movement, 17 side quests, 30 secret rooms to discover, and 30+ hours of addictive gameplay, you’ll be sure to have an unforgettable experience. Experience spectacular battle visuals, polished gameplay mechanisms, an intricate storyline, and a cast of colorful characters. Take the risk of changing everything you know and see what the future holds.