Allods Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, set in the fantasy space opera universe of Sarnaut. It is the fourth opus of the Rage of Mages series which started in the mid-90s, conquering the minds of millions of gamers around the world.
RPG Gamers summaryAllods Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that takes place in a unique, science fiction-inspired world known as Sarnaut. The game revolves around the ongoing war between two factions, the League and the Empire, who battle for power over the scattered allods that make up this unusual setting. Allods Online offers players a rich and immersive experience, with a variety of gameplay options that include character development, equipment crafting, and rune-based enchantments. The game’s world is steeped in history, with a cataclysmic event that occurred a thousand years ago still having a deep impact on the way the game’s inhabitants live and interact. With a vast array of skills and abilities to master, as well as thrilling Astral space-ship battles to fight, Allods Online is a game that offers endless possibilities and hours of exploration and adventure.