Attack the Light is an RPG based on the cartoon Steven Universe. When Steven accidentally releases a group of powerful monsters from an ancient Gem weapon, it is up to him and the other three Crystal Gems to track them down and return them to their confinement.
The player swipes the touch screen to move the Gems from one dungeon room to the next. Battle automatically starts whenever enemies are seen. Combat is turn-based, and the party’s actions are tied to their available Star Points. Each action costs Star Points, and the player’s turn will end when they can no longer spend points. Using items or ending turns early will grant the party bonus Star Points. Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl are the main offensive characters, while Steven provides healing and status buffs. Tapping the screen in time will increase an action’s effects. If a Gem loses all her harmony, or HP, she will be unable to participate in the remainder of the battle unless a specific item is used. If she is dead at the end of battle, she will gain no experience points and will lose over half of her current experience.
Collectible badges can increase the party’s attributes, in a similar manner to early Paper Mario games.