RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 14 January, 2015
Setting Fantasy

Game Details

Avernum 2: Crystal Souls is a remake of the original Avernum 2 (which was a remake of Exile 2: Crystal Souls), in a style similar to that of Avadon: The Black Fortress.

The plot of the game remains unchanged: After the events of the previous game the underworld nation of Avernum was invaded by the despotic Empire and terrible battles ensued. Suddenly, the underground caverns of Avernum were divided by powerful force barriers which prevent both the Empire and Avernum troops from passing through them. You play as a band of soldiers loyal to Avernum, stationed in a remote cavern and unable to take part in the war because of the strange barriers. Your mission is to find out who is behind the barriers and to make sure that Avernum emerges victorious from the war.

The game is played as a turn-based squad tactical RPG. The remake updated the graphics, sounds and many combat mechanics. Now combat, magic and other disciplines are increased through a visual skill tree, basic melee disciplines provide characters with spell-like special attacks, and character traits are not set at character creation but rather increase as you gain levels. New items, vendors that can manufacture artifacts from rare ingredients, pylons for fast travel, and some new enemies were also added.

Newest screenshots

  • Avernum II: Crystal Souls - Screenshot #1
  • Avernum II: Crystal Souls - Screenshot #2
  • Avernum II: Crystal Souls - Screenshot #3
  • Avernum II: Crystal Souls - Screenshot #4