Battle Slots RPG - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 11 April, 2011
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Battle Slots RPG starts with the hero finding a strange machine while gathering food for his dinner. The device is magical and looks very complicated so the hero takes it to the local slot smith to have it examined. The machine has several spinning wheels and its user is awarded magical effects when reels stop in certain positions. Thus the machine becomes a powerful weapon for the hero who immediately sets out on adventure.

The game is similar to Puzzle Quest but here the combat is built around a slot machine rather than a match three puzzle game. Just like in Puzzle Quest, the player moves between different locations on a world map. As in most RPG’s the player has to complete quests to progress through the game and get access to more of the world. Quests usually involve going to a location, fight a battle and then get rewards including items, gold and experience points.

Battles are started when the player hits the spin button on his slot machine, causing the reels to spin until they stop with a random layout. The enemy has his own machine that he spins at the same time. To get a pay out, the player has to match symbols into a pattern, from the first reel to at least the third reel. The longer pattern the better pay outs. There are four different symbols. Red pay out attack points and causes damage on the enemy, blue pay out mana points, green pay out experience points and yellow pay out gold. The player also has a number of techniques (similar to spells) that can be used when enough attack or mana points have been earned. Techniques can be used both to strengthen or protect the player and to attack the enemy.

In the cities of the world the player can visit five different locations: the tavern, the store, the zoo, the slot smith and the academy. In the tavern the player can get side quests. In the store new techniques, runes, and symbols can be purchased. In the zoo can put the creatures that he captures in battle. The creatures’ techniques can then be used in battle. At the slot smith the player can customize his slot machine. It’s possible to choose which symbols that should be more common on the machine. At the academy the player can choose which techniques and runes should be available in battle. It’s also possible to pick and ally that supports the player.

Newest screenshots

  • Battle Slots RPG - Screenshot #1
  • Battle Slots RPG - Screenshot #2
  • Battle Slots RPG - Screenshot #3
  • Battle Slots RPG - Screenshot #4