Embark on an epic action-adventure to save the Kingdom of Avantia from ruin. Based on the best-selling fantasy novels, Beast Quest comes to Steam for the first time ever, with a rich, progressive storyline, vibrant settings, and an excess of compelling challenges.
RPG Gamers summaryBeast Quest is an epic action-adventure game set in the magical Kingdom of Avantia. Players take on the role of a brave hero, tasked with saving the kingdom from the dark magic of the evil wizard, Malvel. Players will explore vibrant, beautiful environments, battle dangerous creatures, and take on giant Beasts in intense boss battles. Players can upgrade their health, attack, and defense through the skill tree, and equip accessories to augment their hero’s attributes. Along their journey, players will seek out ancient artifacts and lost fortune, and embark on numerous side missions that reveal the many hidden secrets of Avantia. With hundreds of challenges to complete and a rich, progressive storyline, Beast Quest is an unforgettable adventure.