Bellwright - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 23 April, 2024
Developer Donkey Crew
Publisher Donkey Crew
Setting Medieval
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Establish and expand your own settlements, liberate the land and assist its villagers, and recruit others to your cause while learning more about a life you had to leave behind. Command your forces, prove your valor through combat, and cement yourself as the hero of your people.

RPG Gamers summary

The new game, Bellwright, introduces players to a world fraught with palace intrigue, wrongful accusation, and a fight for freedom. As an accused criminal, players start in the shadowy periphery of society after being sentenced to death by the Crown for the murder of the Prince. The discovery of an assassin’s contract, however, propels them on a reckless journey of truth and rebellion, taking them back to the scene of their turmoil.

Bellwright’s integral features push the boundaries of typical survival games by blending robust RPG elements with intense survival and exploration sequences. A player’s journey isn’t confined to hiding and survival— they set up settlements, assist local villagers, and gradually gather a resisting force against the oppressive Sovereign.

The game adds a unique layer of resource and town management, enabling players to build, upgrade, and manage posts with the aid of their recruits. This progression system introduces another relational aspect to the gameplay, placing an emphasis on ally relationships and army building to launch a formidable resistance against the Crown.

Bellwright also boasts a commendable combat system — Skill-Based Directional Combat offering a variety of medieval weapons from swords, axes, and polearms for players to perfect their unique fighting style. Not only can they command their forces in battle with cunning strategies and formations, but they can also equip, train, and control their troops, reinforcing their standing as the beacon of rebellion.

A deep progression system enhances the combat and survival skills of players, as they train their soldiers and workers into seasoned craftsmen. This also provides unique knowledge expansion— from crafting better weapons to advanced town building. Essentially, Bellwright provides endless growth opportunities.

At the heart of the gameplay lies an intriguing narrative. As players extend their influence, they unravel the truth about their family’s secret and the actual cause of the Prince’s murder. Amidst all the conquest and rebellion, Bellwright maintains its essence of a storytelling game, engaging players in an immersive role-playing experience.

Newest screenshots

  • Bellwright - Screenshot #1
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #2
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #3
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #4
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #5
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #6
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #7
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #8
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #9
  • Bellwright - Screenshot #10