RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 31 August, 2021
Developer Brytenwalda
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening is an indie old school type RPG taking place in a post-apocalyptic world. The game sports a mature and deep narrative, rich exploration, tense combat, and immersive RPG mechanics.

RPG Gamers summary

Beyond Mankind: The Awakening is an indie RPG set in a post-apocalyptic world where Earth is in the last stages of a nuclear winter. The game offers mature and deep narrative, rich exploration, tense combat, and immersive RPG mechanics. Players create a character and embark on a mission to help human civilization, which is currently exiled off-world. As part of the H.O.P.E. elite military unit, players start under the ruins of what once was the town of Avalon and set out on an epic journey to recover Earth. With unexpected challenges, complex social interactions leading to kinship, loyalty, and romance, and real dilemmas, the game challenges players’ abilities to handle survival mechanics such as exploration, collecting and hunting for food, crafting tools and constructing shelters while monitoring psychological state. Overall, Beyond Mankind: The Awakening provides a unique and intriguing experience set in a dynamically rich world, leaving ample space for exploration of the post-apocalyptic setting.

Newest screenshots

  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #1
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #2
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #3
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #4
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #5
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #6
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #7
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #8
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #9
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #10
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #11
  • Beyond Mankind - Screenshot #12