A clear summer sky spreads over the Hoshinomiya Girls’ High School. This story begins with the belated start of school life for Hinako Shirai, who has just recovered from a leg injury due to a tragic accident. The magical sisters Yuzu and Lime bestowed to her a special power to become a "Reflector".
RPG Gamers summaryBlue Reflection is a story-driven RPG set in Hoshinomiya Girls’ High School. Players take on the role of Hinako Shirai, a student who has just recovered from a leg injury due to a tragic accident. With the help of the magical sisters Yuzu and Lime, Hinako is granted a special power to become a “Reflector” and protect the world from devastating forces. During the school life, players will not only advance the story but also deepen their friendships with other students after lessons have ended and take on a variety of missions. In order to complete the missions, players will have to search for items and fight battles in the “Common” world. As the story progresses, Hinako will have to face off against powerful Sephira in order to realize her own personal wish and to save the world.