Borderlands 2 VR - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 22 October, 2019
Developer Gearbox Software
Publisher 2K
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Get virtually immersed in the mayhem-filled world of Borderlands as you step into the boots of a treasure-seeking Vault Hunter, grab 87 bazillion guns, and free Pandora from Handsome Jack’s clutches!

RPG Gamers summary

Borderlands 2 VR is an immersive shooter-looter experience that allows players to virtually step into the world of Pandora. Players will be able to choose from four playable classes, each with their own unique skillsets and combat styles. Players can equip themselves with bazillions of procedurally-generated guns, shields, grenades, relics, class mods and more to maximize their power and mayhem. The BAMF DLC Pack provides additional campaigns and locations, more enemies and an increased level cap. Players can also take advantage of the new Slow-Mo ability and Teleport to glide across Pandora.

Newest screenshots

  • Borderlands 2 VR - Screenshot #1
  • Borderlands 2 VR - Screenshot #2
  • Borderlands 2 VR - Screenshot #3
  • Borderlands 2 VR - Screenshot #4
  • Borderlands 2 VR - Screenshot #5