Cartel Tycoon - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 26 July, 2022
Developer Moon Moose
Publisher tinyBuild
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Cartel Tycoon is a survival business sim inspired by the ‘80s and ‘90s narco trade. Expand and conquer, fight off rival thugs and evade the authorities. Earn people’s loyalty and strive to overcome the doomed fate of a power-hungry drug lord.

RPG Gamers summary

Cartel Tycoon, a management sim set in a fictionalized 80s Latin America world during the drug trade’s highest peak, has recently announced an upcoming DLC named San Rafaela. This game offers a gritty look into the expansive world of cocaine trade, where players step into the shoes of a drug lord, striving to grow their humble beginnings into a worldwide empire.

In the game, players are tasked to develop smuggling chains and balance various stresses, including dealing with volatile lieutenants, state authorities, and public opinion. Challenges come in multiple forms, with threats from rival cartels, DEA, army, and even the CIA. Failure is certain, but it is crafted as part of the storyline, with players needing to appoint a successor after their character’s death to carry on their empire, resulting in a cyclical narrative experience.

Cartel Tycoon stands out with its intense replayability and variety of modes. Players seeking a rich storyline could explore the game’s story mode that offers tens of hours of narrative gameplay. For players desiring a challenge, the game offers a Hardcore permadeath Survival mode. On the other hand, those seeking a custom experience could dive into the Sandbox mode, which allows players to dictate their own rules.

In addition to the storyline and gameplay modes, Cartel Tycoon also features original soundtracks inspired by the era, blending psychedelic and Latin American influences, providing an immersive and distinct atmosphere for the gameplay experience.

Key features include growing an empire from a humble farming operation to a complex logistical system, exploring dozens of upgrade paths and strategies, maintaining cash flow through money laundering, and navigating the corrupt world of politics. The gameplay is ultimately about defending your empire, producing profits, and unfolding a dynamic narrative system with various unique characters.

Despite dealing with a controversial subject matter, Cartel Tycoon aims to provide an engaging, strategy-focused simulation game that lets players navigate the intricate world of drug empires, demonstrating the unusual blend of risk, violence, resourceful strategies, and social management that defined that era of history. The upcoming San Rafaela DLC is expected to further expand the game’s world and narrative, offering players more content to explore.

Newest screenshots

  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #1
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #2
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #3
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #4
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #5
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #6
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #7
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #8
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #9
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #10
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #11
  • Cartel Tycoon - Screenshot #12