Days of Doom - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 21 September, 2023
Developer SneakyBox
Publisher Atari
Perspective 3rd-person
Genre Roguelike

Game Details

Gather your heroes and fight to make it to Sanctuary in this tactical RPG roguelite. Did we mention the zombies, raiders, and mysterious monstrosities that inhabit this post-apocalyptic wasteland? Welcome to the world of Days of Doom.

RPG Gamers summary

News Report: “Days of Doom - A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure at its Peak”

‘Days of Doom’ is a robust post-apocalyptic tactical RPG roguelite that takes players through a world transformed by an apocalypse. The primary aim is to reach Sanctuary, a beacon of hope amid a universe bustling with vibrant chaos.

The game begins with a handful of survivors, but as you progress, you’ll recruit a diverse group of heroes, each distinctive in their abilities. The key to survival is discerning how to most effectively use these abilities, especially during the game’s turn-based combat.

For instance, Pyro is most beneficial early in the fight due to his ability to set enemies alight, causing sustained harm. Combinations of heroes, like the Hydromancer and the Thrasher, can deal devastating blows; the former drenches enemies from afar, allowing the latter to shock the sodden foes.

To survive in ‘Days of Doom’, players must think strategically, taking advantage of the game’s upgrade and abilities system. This element adds a layer of depth to the gameplay, where the seemingly overwhelming odds can be tipped in your favor with a well-executed strategy.

‘Days of Doom’ prides itself on its unique roguelite progression system, ensuring no two runs are ever the same. However, permanent upgrades are possible to party size and resource accumulation speed, incentivizing repeat playthroughs.

The game’s art and design significantly contribute to its immersive experience. The hand-drawn animations perfectly capture the eccentric vision of a post-apocalyptic world. There are eight character classes each with exclusive abilities; the range of characters and enemies contribute to the intricate and absorbing gameplay.

More than 50 random events keep you on your toes, and a collection of over 70 items and runes ensure you can always swing the odds in your favor. Meeting two boss fight challenges while tackling a dozen diverse enemies adds to the game’s thrill.

A remarkable feature is its original orchestral soundtrack by Jelle Dittmar, enhancing the gripping gaming experience and further immersing players in this post-apocalyptic reality.

In conclusion, ‘Days of Doom’ offers an engaging, intriguing gaming experience injected with just the right dose of strategy and RPG elements. With its roguelite progression, beautifully animated art, and compelling characters, ‘Days of Doom’ emerges as a promising addition to any gamer’s library.

Newest screenshots

  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #1
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #2
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #3
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #4
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #5
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #6
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #7
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #8
  • Days of Doom - Screenshot #9