In collaboration with Corpse Party scenario writer Makoto Kedouin, this horror RPG follows Mai Toyama’s search for her sister in a quiet lakeside town. She’ll unravel clues to the town’s past by day, and battle Shadow Matter by night. Can you uncover the truth before reality is consumed by darkness?
RPG Gamers summaryDeath end re;Quest 2 is a role-playing game that follows the story of Mai Toyama as she seeks to unravel the secrets of the small mountainous town of Le Choara and find her missing sister, Sanae. The game features a day/night system that requires players to explore the town during the day and battle terrifying creatures during the night. The game features an Overkill system which rewards players for dishing out huge damage on enemies. Players must also beware of the Berserker, a faceless black figure that instantly kills players in one blow. The game also features a Knockback system which allows players to combo their attacks by flinging monsters to other party members. The story is presented through a visual novel lens during the day and a turn-based combat system at night. Overall, Death end re;Quest 2 is a game that will challenge players and keep them engaged with its various gameplay mechanics and intriguing storyline.