One day, a mysterious labyrinth suddenly appeared in the middle of a vast desert. It is said that magical creatures were behind its construction, and that the labyrinth contains unseen treasures in its depth. A rather careless adventurer ventures into the labyrinth and discovers that it leads to an underground world known as Ge-Pang, its inhabitants skilled in magic and ready to help the hero on his quest.
Desert Time is the first in the row of Mugen no Meikyū games. It is a solo dungeon-crawling role-playing game with randomly generated, maze-like areas to explore. Combat is done in real time, without a pause; it is not action-based since turns are calculated according to the participants’ attributes only. Weapons, equipment and items can be found in the dungeons. The town serves as a home base where it is possible to save the game and rest, and can only be explored via a text menu. The game contains a few scenes with nudity and sexual situations.