Digimon World: Dusk is an 2D role playing game played from a bird’s-eye perspective. A strange virus is attacking the Digiworld reverting Digimon back to egg form and causing damage to the city and access zones of the Dark Moon district. The Night Crow team from the Dark Moon district believes the Light Fang team from the Sunshine district to be responsible for the chaos. Digimon World: Dusk was released alongside Digimon World: Dawn Both games share the same plot and have parallel story-lines.
In the game the player assumes the role of a tamer from the Night Crow team. Over 350 Digimon can be raised, trained and evolved. At the start of the game the player has to select a gender. Rare Digimon can be created together with another player who owns Digimon World: Dusk’s counterpart Digimon World: Dawn.