Eternal Lore is a classic Action-RPG Game where the player can explore the world and dungeons while battling monsters and bosses, solving puzzles during the adventure and collect items to craft powerful equipment and gain access to even more powerful skills during your adventure.
RPG Gamers summaryEternal Lore is an action-RPG set in a world that has been saved from the Demon Lord Berial by a brave hero. Players take on the role of a new adventurer joining the guild, unaware that the progeny of Berial still walks among them. As they explore the world, they will face myriad enemies, solve quests, and gain new knowledge and skills. Players can customize their character to match their play style, equip various types of equipment, and challenge the vicious monsters of the Monster Arena. They will also explore hidden areas and secret challenges, and face powerful bosses to gain access to the ultimate rewards. Eternal Lore promises an exciting and thrilling adventure, full of parodic, tragic, and astonishing experiences.