Faxion Online - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 26 May, 2011
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Faxion Online is a Free 2 Play PVP (Player vs Player) MMO game where players with lots of gaming time can play against players with limited game time with the assistance of RMT (real money transaction) for increased leveling assistance.  The overarching game theme is waring factions of Heaven vs. Hell who fight for control over the 7 Deadly Sins. Purgatory City is the only zone that allows a pvp-free experience for social gathering and guild vs guild taunting.

Contested battles center around capture points similar to Team Fortress 2, with players collecting points for their factions which are added to the pool of points at the end of the match. The faction with the most points gain controls of that zone for their faction.

Faxion Online builds itself as having a unique spells ranking system.  Players can queue up their abilities and each spell will mature over time into a more powerful spell.  This micromanagement allows for game time on and off the battlefield.  On top of the abilities system, Players can multi-class between the 3 main classes, Crusader/Reaver, Diviner/Occultist and Guardian/Zealot.

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