Floating Islands of Nucifera - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 11 April, 2023
Developer Odooh Games
Publisher Odooh Games
Setting FantasyMedieval
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Floating Islands of Nucifera is an open world shop keep game set in an abandoned world in the sky. Adventure across the fantasy world of Nucifera in your airship, summon powerful creatures to your side to aid in dangerous turn-based combat, and loot treasures to help pay off your family’s debt!

RPG Gamers summary

Floating Islands of Nucifera is an open-world, turn-based game set in a unique fantasy world where the islands float in the sky. Players take on the role of Rosanna, the daughter of a prominent merchant and wizard, who embarks on a mission to rescue her lost father, rebuild the family legacy, and defeat the monstrous creatures that now inhabit the once-beautiful islands of Nucifera. The game features customizable shop management options, allowing players to manage their inventory, bargain with customers, set prices, and rearrange items to maximize profits. Navigation is done via an upgradable airship, which can be customized to carry more loot, travel faster, or even function as an adventurer’s ship. Completing quests unlocks rewards, unique customers, new floating islands and (possibly) dungeon keys. Turn-based monstrous fights add an exciting element to the game, offering players the chance to strategize and charge up their familiars’ abilities to take down Nucifera’s diverse array of monsters. The game allows players to select the loot they want to take home, allowing them to make strategic choices on their limited cargo space.

Newest screenshots

  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #1
  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #2
  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #3
  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #4
  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #5
  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #6
  • Floating Islands of Nucifera - Screenshot #7