The story of Gokuraku Tengoku: Omemie no Maki is fairly simple. Somewhere there is a country called the Happy Paradise, populated by lazy men and sexy women. The country is ruled by the wise king Aruman. But one day, the princesses of the country go traveling, and never return. Apparently there were people who were accompanying them, but they haven’t been found either. The protagonist of the game offers his services to the king. Now he must talk to the country’s inhabitants, gather clues, find the princesses, and bring them back.
Gokuraku Tengoku: Omemie no Maki is a Japanese-style RPG with a distinct erotic and comical edge. The player navigates the hero through the top-down world, wandering on the world map, fighting random enemies in first-person turn-based combat, visiting towns, descending into dungeons, talking to NPCs, buying weapons and armor, etc. Beside these traditional elements, there are also some more unusual ones. The enemies are a weird mixture of half- or completely naked women (demonic or otherwise), strange-looking monsters, or ordinary types, such as a beer-drinking or suitcase-carrying man. It is possible to talk to some of the enemies to avoid combat. Magic spells have a “love” theme, and the hero has somewhat unusual statistics: he needs “love points” to advance, but defeating enemies depletes them, and therefore he must “replenish the love” in other ways.