Gord - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 08 August, 2023
Developer Covenant.dev
Publisher Team17
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Gord is a single-player adventure strategy. To survive, you must build, but to prevail, you must conquer the darkness beyond the gates.

RPG Gamers summary

Gord is a survival-fantasy game inspired by Slavic folklore that follows the Tribe of the Dawn as they journey into forbidden lands. As the player, you lead the tribe through completing quests that impact both their personalities and well-being, pulling them into a world filled with menacing creatures, rival enemy tribes, and sinister forces. As a gameplay mechanic, you must build and grow your gord, increasing its defenses against raiders, and expanding your resources to take on the dangers that lurk beyond your walls. The game includes a wealth of unique customizable scenarios for varied difficulty levels, allowing players to choose from multiple primary objectives, such as starting resources, environment, enemy types, and weather severity. However, the game’s complexity doesn’t just end with gameplay mechanics but also focuses on the settlers’ sanity levels, which are affected by hunger, illness, and the death of others. As such, maintaining your tribe’s overall well-being becomes your primary challenge, as a healthy village is key to its survival. Furthermore, the game’s history, blended with real-world Slavic mythology and dark fantasy, is explained by The Chronicle, which players can attempt to uncover by discovering scattered pages throughout the game’s landscapes. Overall, Gord is an engaging and challenging game that merges base-building gameplay mechanics with an intricate tale, providing a unique and challenging experience for players.

Newest screenshots

  • Gord - Screenshot #1
  • Gord - Screenshot #2
  • Gord - Screenshot #3
  • Gord - Screenshot #4
  • Gord - Screenshot #5
  • Gord - Screenshot #6
  • Gord - Screenshot #7
  • Gord - Screenshot #8
  • Gord - Screenshot #9