Hope Trigger - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 06 September, 2021
Developer Adisa Game Studio
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

HOPE-TRIGGER is a permadeath Side-Scrolling RPG game. The game features fighting monsters, creating gears and using combo skills, magic to battle.

RPG Gamers summary

Hope Trigger is an action-packed game with a unique storyline set a thousand years after the fall of an ancient prosperous civilization. The game is set in a high-tech country with world-class alchemy and magic, and players embark on a thrilling adventure through various areas, encountering different enemies and treasures along the way. The game is divided into several systems, including the battle system, adventure system, growth system, and Ark. The battle system includes original sin attack combos, magic spells, parry, and counterattacks. Players can explore various areas, gather materials, make equipment or food to enhance their abilities, and complete quests for different people. The growth system includes eight types of alchemy and Arcana passive abilities that help the player strength themselves. In the Ark system, players play as an experimental living organism finding a way to avoid the end of the world in the world of memory. However, players need to be careful as the experimental living organism is vulnerable, and if they die multiple times, they will lose all their progress. Hope Trigger has a unique enchanting system where players can collect materials to create enchanting jewels that enhance their abilities and give them special skills. The game can be played with a controller, providing a thrilling and immersive gaming experience.

Newest screenshots

  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #1
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #2
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #3
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #4
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #5
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #6
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #7
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #8
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #9
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #10
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #11
  • Hope Trigger - Screenshot #12