Infinite Undiscovery is an RPG set in a magical world where an evil army called the Order of the Chains, led by the Dreadknight, has ensnared the life giving moon by using giant chains to lock it into place. As a result of these chains, the moon has become corrupted, with its powers creating powerful and grotesque monsters loose on the world as crops and life begins to wither and die.
The player takes control of a young boy named Capell, who is captured by the Order and put in their dark prison. After a few days, a young female warrior named Aya frees him and brings him to the leader of her group of warriors named Sigmund is looks remarkably like Capell. They band together and set out to free the moon and bring their world back from the brink of chaos.
The gameplay is RPG based, but features real-time battling, where players choose which attacks or defenses they like to use before attacks as well as set the skills of the allies to customize them to their liking with 17 different characters that will join the players party. Environments also change according of how the player acts and reacts to situations throughout the game, as well as explore areas to strategize against enemy units and set up traps against them.