King’s Bounty: Legions is a social network focused take on the King’s Bounty series. The battle portion of the game plays mostly the same as King’s Bounty: The Legend, while the world map is greatly simplified in comparison. Exploration of the world is limited to traveling from castle to castle on a 2D board, and from each castle the player is sent out to fight different enemy troops. Beginning with only a few accessible locations, the player must unlock each additional location in order to advance. At each castle location is a market for purchasing troops and scrolls. Items such as armor pieces are crafted in this incarnation of King’s Bounty from item pickups on the battle field. By talking with the different characters of the land, the player will be offered quests which can be taken on in return for gold, items and experience. The battles are turn-based. The player doesn’t fight themselves, but has troops of up to five squadrons which can be ordered around on a hex-based battlefield. The combat is round based and for each round, the troop has a number of action points which can be spent on movement or actions.