Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 12 February, 2025
Developer Notorious Studios
Publisher Notorious Studios
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Explore the dangerous beauty of Legacy: Steel & Sorcery as you race to find lost treasures while battling players and monsters in merciless action combat. But make sure to find your way back to safety before it’s too late—or risk losing it all.

RPG Gamers summary

Legacy: Steel & Sorcery, a dynamic third-person action PvPvE RPG, lures the players into a captivating world of fantasy and adventure. With the choice for a solitary journey or adopting a trio set-up, the game offers an immersive experience for treasure hunts, power leveling, and enemy battles.

Key elements of the game stem directly from the interaction between players in PvP combat. A refined and responsive combat design encourages sharp strategy and precise actions for an upper hand in fights. Like any other realistic world, the spoils of battle belong to the victors, resulting in tangible consequences for every in-game action.

The game goes beyond pure combat, facilitating a pause for recuperation within the city walls. The city hub allows players to enhance their gear, rustle up some dietary enhancements for the forthcoming adventures, and attain some rest, boosting the strategic layer of play.

Legacy: Steel & Sorcery offers an array of well-thought-out features such as diverse leveling opportunities for each character, advanced combat physics, and an adaptable environmental design leading to unique combat scenarios.

Players can seek favors from in-game vendors based on their reputation, leading to better gear and items. Bonuses continue, with the chance to enhance players’ permanent lodging for additional in-game benefits.

The developer’s willingness to produce a high-quality experience is evident in their approach toward community engagement. They openly welcome feedback and inspiration from players through Early Access, with a promise to deliver additional classes, new maps, enhanced social features, and innovative modes.

In the light of major updates, Legacy: Steel & Sorcery offers a leveled playing ground. Major updates lead to reset progression, serving fresh content, gameplay changes, and unique rewards to the players in the process.

Legacy: Steel & Sorcery is paving its way into the gaming world, investing in its growth, leveraging both professional developers and player community input. Players seeking involvement in the production of an evolving fantasy world should tune in.

Newest screenshots

  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #1
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #2
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #3
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #4
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #5
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #6
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #7
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #8
  • Legacy: Steel & Sorcery - Screenshot #9