RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 1997
Setting Fantasy
Perspective Top-down

Game Details

Based on an ASCII text role-playing MUD called Islands Of Kesmai started on CompuServe in 1984, this was a graphics-based version multi-player online role-playing game that was available on AOL, Compuserve and Gamestorm.  It’s set in a fantasy world centered around the Island of Kesmai.  You can play as wizards, thaumaturges, fighters, knights, martial artists, or thieves and can join together to explore the island and areas around it.  You can use magic, prowess, or pure brute strength to defeat dangers you encounter.  Use different tactics as you go into combat.  The open-ended gameplay will have your character improving their skill, wealth, and power as you adventure and help others along the way.

Electronic Arts bought the developer Kesmai in 1999 and shut down the game on May 29, 2000.

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