LEGO Knights’ Kingdom is a game based on the popular toy franchise of LEGO bricks. It is the second game based on the Knights’ Kingdom line of toys following the PC title LEGO Creator: Knights’ Kingdom in 2000. This version is however based on the second version of the toy line, while the first game was based on the first version.
This release is an action RPG based around the hero knights Daniu, Jayko, Racus and Santis. They are on a quest to find the Heart of the magical Shield of Ages. The main story is divided into nine separate quests divided over the four knights and collected in the Story mode. Players explore an environment, solve small puzzles, battle enemies and collect loot. In Tournament Arena there are head-to-head battles and jousts divided over three further modes: Hand to Hand Combat, Jousting and Sword Lightning Combat. The antagonist Lord Vladek can be unlocked as a fifth character to fight in the Tournament mode. The Last Man Standing mode has timed battles for survival, and multiplayer against another player using a Link Cable is supported through head-to-head battles and jousts.