RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 04 June, 2007
Setting Fantasy
Perspective Bird's-eye view

Game Details

Somewhere in a pyramid, not far from the Nile, the Egyptian god Seth awakens again and swears revenge on all gods and mankind. As always, it is the player’s duty to stop him. The choice between the four characters - Shaman, Barbar, Battlemage or Amazon - dictates in which of the four worlds the player begins his journey to waste Seth’s hordes and ultimately Seth himself. The four worlds are Egypt in the 13th century B.C. (Battlemage), Greece in the 12th century B.C. (Amazon), Scandinavia in the 1st century A.D. and the Aztec empire in the 16th century A.D.. After completing one world, there is a choice as to where to go next.

Loki: Heroes of Mythology is a hack ‘n slash game much like Diablo II or Titan Quest. The character makes its way through literally hundreds of thousands of monsters on three different difficulty levels in order to reach the maximum level of 200. Slain enemies remain visible; that way, cleared areas are not repopulated until a new game is started. All levels are generated randomly.

While playing experience points can be gained by killing all the pesky bastards that stand in the way or by completing the quests given by NPCs. The twist is that the character can either believe in one of the three available gods or play as an atheist. Believing grants access to 17 more talents (which add up to an overall of 51 talents) but one quarter of the experience points goes directly into those talents. So as an atheist the character levels faster but he can only unlock 34 talents. While playing, it is possible to change beliefs at one of the many altars.

Taking armor and weapons of fallen enemies is not the only way to get powerful items. At a blacksmith, redundant items can be deconstructed and those materials can be used to build new, more powerful weapons. Only combining a handle and a blade can make a good sword, but by throwing in additional materials like iron or a moon stone, magic attributes can also be applied. During the journey there are runes to collect, which can also be incorporated into the item crafting process.

When tired of running around alone, there is an online multiplayer mode to play with up to 5 other players through the campaign, with 3 additional modes as well. In the duel mode the player goes up against another player in a one-on-one. Statistics of these fights are tracked in an online ladder if the duels are played over the official GameCenter. The next mode is team duel in which up to four players on each side can fight against each other. But unlike the one-on-one there is no ranking. The last game mode sets a group of players in fights against various monster combinations not encountered in the singleplayer or cooperative part of the game. There it is for example possible to fight against all the bosses of the campaign at once. Except for the co-op mode, all modes take place in an arena.

Newest screenshots

  • Loki: Heroes of Mythology - Screenshot #1
  • Loki: Heroes of Mythology - Screenshot #2
  • Loki: Heroes of Mythology - Screenshot #3
  • Loki: Heroes of Mythology - Screenshot #4