Set in a fantasy universe, Opal’s Quest takes place on Faehrhen Earths, in the year 97 after the Unknown Sword Birth. Opal fought in the Never-ending War and when he comes back to his hometown Galiena, he discovers that the evil troll Mephisto has kidnapped his beloved Celenha.
Through a journey set in 4 different towns, Opal has to chase Mephisto. Each town acts as a central hub to collect quests and enter dungeons. Shown through a top-down perspective, Opal’s Quest is an RPG with an inventory, weapons (different bows and arrows), armor, potions and magic scrolls. Opal collects gold in the dungeon to exchange it for new goods in the shops.
The mission structure is entirely linear and the dungeons are heavily puzzle-based, with switches, movable crates, timed movement and moving obstacles.