The Startling Developments Detective Agency springs into action as On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 begins, set in motion by a call from a mysterious source. The ever escalating perils on the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness will season our tender heroes to their very core!
RPG Gamers summaryPenny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 is a humorous and intriguing, old-school RPG style game mixed with modern design sensibilities. It is set in the fictional town of New Arcadia, where the Startling Developments Detective Agency rises to the occasion following a call from a mysterious source. Players can expect to encounter cunning evil doctors, unexplainable thefts, supernatural forces, hoboids, roboids, time traveling dinosaurs, and more. The game boasts a unique multi-class job system that allows players to gain the powers of the Tube Samurai, the Hobo, the Apocalypt, the Dinosorcerer, and the Delusionist, among others. Throughout the game, players can disrupt enemy attacks with powerful interrupt abilities, recharge MP, and leverage the help of the first-ever haiku-based help system in the gaming industry. The game has recently added a new free “Lair of the Seamstress” DLC, which features unique mechanics designed to challenge and test players.