Plague: London 1665 - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date TBD
Developer WASD Games
Publisher WASD Games
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Plague: London 1665 is an RPG with pixel art graphics set in 1665’s during the Bubonic Plague outbreak in overcrowded and polluted London. As a body collector, graveyard keeper, and family provider, avoid the disease while clearing the streets. Will you survive the outbreak or become another victim?

RPG Gamers summary

Plague: London 1665 is an RPG pixel art game that takes players back to London during one of the most devastating pandemics in history. As the body collector and graveyard keeper, players will navigate the dangerous and disease-ridden streets of London to keep the city clear of corpses and give the deceased a proper burial. The game offers a unique and immersive experience, where players must balance the need to provide for their families against the risk of contracting the deadly disease. With a focus on historical accuracy, the game features a variety of NPCs with their own unique stories and agendas, allowing players to make critical decisions that impact the game’s outcome. The game also offers a range of activities, including scavenging for resources, designing humane rat traps, completing quests and missions, and exploring 17th-century London.

Newest screenshots

  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #1
  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #2
  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #3
  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #4
  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #5
  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #6
  • Plague: London 1665 - Screenshot #7