Pokémon Battle Revolution - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 14 December, 2006
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Pokémon Battle Revolution is the Wii iteration of Pokémon Stadium with the upgraded graphics one would expect. The game features full 3D single and double battles with Pokémon either from pre-made trainer passes, or from monsters uploaded from your copy of Pokémon Diamond/Pearl. All current 493 Pokémon are able to appear in this game.

The game is set in the city of Pokétopia, the Vegas of the Pokémon world, where battle devotees come to be amused and where trainers come to fight to the top. Starting in a small port beneath the city’s neon glow you’ll persevere in combat through the numerous plazas, lagoons, and towers, until you reach the reigning champ himself…

Games can also be played online against a friend, if you have their “friend code”, or against a random rival somewhere in the world.

A sparse single player is included where you will battle against series of opponents in each stadium. As you progress you’ll unlock new stadiums, new trainer passes, and gain points.These points can be used to buy new features or accessories for your in game avatar.

All avatars have catch phrases made up of preselected word combinations. You’ll be able to edit these as well as your look to impress in online battles.

Newest screenshots

  • Pokémon Battle Revolution - Screenshot #1
  • Pokémon Battle Revolution - Screenshot #2
  • Pokémon Battle Revolution - Screenshot #3
  • Pokémon Battle Revolution - Screenshot #4