This Pokémon fangame follows the basic format of official RPGs from the famous franchise, following a young Pokémon trainer as they journey through the fanmade region of Tandor, which is home primarily to original species created by the game’s developers; few canon Pokémon make an appearance.
Ten years prior to the game’s events, the region suffered a nuclear crisis that resulted in the disappearance of the player character’s mother. Wild Pokémon living in the irradiated areas have mutated and become aggressive, gaining the powerful but unstable Nuclear type. Though these Pokémon can be captured just like any other, they are indiscriminately violent and have been known to attack their own trainers. And on top of all of that, a mysterious enemy seems to be deliberately sabotaging the region’s remaining nuclear power plants. The player character and their childhood friend, Theo, will have to confront all of these threats, as well as Tandor’s eight Gyms and the Pokémon Championship.
Online features allow players to battle and trade with friends, as well as receive Mystery Gifts from the development team.