Project O.R.C.S. - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date TBD
Developer Lightforge Games
Publisher Lightforge Games
Setting FantasyMedieval
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Project O.R.C.S. is a multiplayer Collaborative Storytelling RPG where you and your friends play together to craft unique worlds, tell epic stories, and embark upon quests that are as dynamic as your group.

RPG Gamers summary

Game News Coverage: Project O.R.C.S.

Project O.R.C.S. is the definitive name in collaborative storytelling RPGs, as implied by its acronym ‘Online Roleplaying with Collaborative Storytelling.’ The game welcomes you into a multiplayer environment where you and your teammates possess the freedom to design unique worlds, weave epic narratives, and undertake adventures as varied as your imaginative collective.

As part of a playgroup, you can opt to be the Guide – the maestro who orchestrates the group’s journey, or simply don the armor of an Adventurer to musically breathe life into your ideal character. It’s a party where every member actively chips into the narrative, creating a tale unrestricted by conventional standards but bound by the limitlessness of imagination.

Project O.R.C.S. presents three distinctive classes to carve out your initial narrative, supporting your voyage through an expansive map that teems with trepidation, chaos, and clandestine affairs - all packed at each subsequent corner. Each encounter savors the flavor of an adrenaline-charged quest, the end results of which are solely at your discretion, letting you helm the narrative direction by your choices and creativity.

The game further allows you to build more than just a character. Your narrative begins near your party’s home base and expands to grant new abilities and tools. As you carry your story forward, you can customize the town, implant new structures, NPCs, decorations reflective of your adventures, and even level up your characters to garner more power.

In Project O.R.C.S., one player acts as a guide, yet everybody contributes to the story. Collaboration takes form in the creation of an impromptu scenario, improvisation during a botched roll or simply shifting allegiances on a whim.

Making your game night unforgettable is an easy task, for the game comes equipped with a system that supports the creation of great gaming moments within the spur of the moment. Whether it be venturing through a wizard’s tower, an eerie graveyard, or a keep lodged at the borderlands, Project O.R.C.S. is engineered to have your gaming session ready within minutes. For more details, you can join their discord link at

Newest screenshots

  • Project O.R.C.S. - Screenshot #1
  • Project O.R.C.S. - Screenshot #2
  • Project O.R.C.S. - Screenshot #3
  • Project O.R.C.S. - Screenshot #4
  • Project O.R.C.S. - Screenshot #5