Puzzles For Clef - Game Poster

RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 06 March, 2024
Developer Weasel Token
Publisher Freedom Games
Setting Fantasy
Perspective 3rd-person

Game Details

Join Clef on an adventure set on a magical sky island where her family once lived. Solve puzzles, discover secrets, and experience a story of sisterly love – and something more, if you are willing to dig deeper…

RPG Gamers summary

In the latest announcement from Steam, they introduced their soon-to-be-available puzzle-adventure game, Puzzles for Clef. Serving as a calming, yet intriguing escape, the game revolves around a letter-sending rabbit named Clef, who leaves on a journey to her ancestral island, on a treasure hunt instigated by her sibling, Cres.

This mesmerizing quest weaves a tale of family history, as the game unfolds across nine unique landscapes, from tranquil bamboo forests to magnificent castles aloft in the sky. All of these settings come with their specific secrets and unknown tales waiting to be explored.

Adventure is not the only draw here, however, as Puzzles for Clef is, indeed, puzzle-centric. Challenging enigmas and ciphers, logically designed and demanding keen intellect, are copious. Yet, frustration is kept at bay; each puzzle is created to provide a soothing, rather than infuriating, experience.

Clef’s expedition is embroidered with personal quests shared by distinctive characters she encounters, such as the island lord and his companions. Through these engagements, Clef discovers various items cherished by the locals, which weave an intricate fabric of stories around her exploration.

Moreover, the progression towards resolving the treasure hunt gradually uncovers the cryptic past of Clef’s ancestral island, every contained secret opening up additional puzzles to solve, which expose deeper facets of the history associated with Clef and her family line.

The game reassures players that Clef’s journey is devoid of monstrous threats or dangers, underlining that the sisterly love Cres displays wouldn’t risk Clef’s safety. Puzzles for Clef, therefore, is charitably free from death or repetitive adversaries. It allows players to delve into the serene world of a bunny exploring puzzles at her own pace. As elucidated in the announcement, it’s all about a “bunny and her puzzles.”
Puzzles for Clef appears to be a promising addition to the PC-gaming world, designed to challenge your wit and soothe your senses, as it masterfully intertwines family legacy, island lore, and captivating puzzles. Expectations are high for this release, and it will be intriguing to see how players receive the game upon its launch.

Newest screenshots

  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #1
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #2
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #3
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #4
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #5
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #6
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #7
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #8
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #9
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #10
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #11
  • Puzzles For Clef - Screenshot #12