This is the eighth installment of the longest-running hentai RPG series (since there were three Rance IV games). The protagonist Rance, the wandering knight who is only interested in women, insults a powerful magician of the country Zeth. As a result Rance is enslaved; ironically, his own slave (yes, you can safely insert the particle “sex” before it), the lovely Sill, is welcomed in the kingdom. Rance joins forces with rebels to get square with the Zeth rulers and be together with Sill again!
Zeth Hōkai (“Collapse of Zeth”) plays pretty much the same way as its predecessors: it is a Japanese-style RPG with standard turn-based combat system, but not-very-standard depictions of Rance’s numerous encounters with the fair sex. It has fully 3D dungeons that are navigated from first-person perspective. The battles are viewed, as before, top-down view. Characters in Rance’s party can utilize various magic spells and change their position on the battle field.