RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 1984
Setting Fantasy
Perspective Top-down

Game Details

You, Nordea Arkon, live in the small buy peaceful kingdom of Ursea and make your measly living as an apprentice to Thelamon, the royal blacksmith. The King of Ursea, King Winslick, is a good king, and has long ruled the kingdom with a firm hand and virtuous heart, but he is nearing the end of his life and is fast losing health.  The King has declared that the person who can return his stolen scepter, the Scepter of Ursea, shall become the new ruler of the land.  And so you begin your quest.

At the beginning of every quest, the player roles a character’s statistics of strength, dexterity, and constitution.  From these, damage adjustment, armor class, and hit points are derived. 

Gameplay starts on the overworld, and the player can explore the lands of Ursea, which encompasses multiple screens.  Movement uses fatigue, and if the player doesn’t rest before their fatigue reaches 0, they die.  Encounters interrupt the player’s explorations, and some encounters are friendly allowing the player to buy information or goods.  Exploration can be aided by boats or horses.  The player can enter the dungeon, where numerous dangers and treasures lie. 

During combat, the player first enters the tactical display, where they choose which creature in a group to fight.  After choosing an enemy, the player and enemy take turns rolling a 20-sided dice for damage, with a minimum threshold to score a hit.  Creatures and the player can have multiple attacks per round.

Newest screenshots

  • Scepter of Ursea - Screenshot #1
  • Scepter of Ursea - Screenshot #2
  • Scepter of Ursea - Screenshot #3
  • Scepter of Ursea - Screenshot #4