RPG Gamers Review

Release Date 10 June, 2018
Setting Fantasy

Game Details

This Very Special Edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a free voice-controlled game for Amazon Alexa which isn’t a full port of the original game but rather simplified version that lets the player become Dragonborn in this narrated story. The places in Skyrim, creatures, monsters, actions, they are all there but with limitation on how you can interact with them and in what capacity.

The player initially starts with level 1 character. While traveling Skyrim many characters will ask for player’s help. Whether their possessions have been stolen by the bandits, or some dangerous monster burnt down their village and whatnot. The player can accept each of the quests, or simply refuse and keep on going. By accepting the quest, the story will lead you to retrieve some item and face the next villain. The story will constantly let you choose your path by asking you which path you wish to take, more dangerous but quicker one, or safer but longer one. Player’s journey will stop the moment an opponent (a bandit, a monster, enemy soldier, a dragon, etc.) blocks the way ahead. In that moment, the battle commences. There are three types of attack; using a weapon (sword, mace, or any other equipped weapon), shouting the dragon tongue, or casting a spell. There is no weapon, shout or spell selection, instead, the player character uses what he has equipped or what best serves the purpose at hand. At the end of each quest there will be a boss battle.

Certain types of enemies are resistant to certain types of attack and if attacked that way their counter-attack will be swift and deadly. The player can ask for his current health status, though at the end of each quest the health fully replenishes. There are no health potions to use or any other way to heal the player character during the quest. Weapon skill, shout skill, and spell casting skill all start at level 1, and the more certain type of attack is used successfully, the player will level up in those areas and be able to deal with enemies more easily. Alexa will immediately prompt the player whenever the player levels up some of the skills available.

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