Phillip, a sad man clad in pajamas, lives in a garishly-colored world filled with lots of blood. Having been kicked out of his parents’ house, his travels across the world lead him to join Leg Horse, a headless equine creature who needs to visit a wizard in the far-off Blood Cavern. From there, their journey will take them to the City of Forms, where they will decide the fate of the world.
Space Funeral is an RPG Maker game whose battle system has both turn-based and real time elements. Phillip and Leg Horse each run on an individual action timer, and may only take their turns when their respective action timer has filled. The player may then choose an action for the selected character. Alternatively, there is an “auto” battle option that allows battles to play out faster, at the cost of the player losing direct control over their party in favor of decisions being made by the AI. In addition to regular battle commands such as attacking and fleeing, the player may select the “mystery” command to have a randomized effect play out.