Street Fighter: Duel is an RPG based on the long-running Street Fighter series. It revolves around assembling squads of three characters to progress through the story and complete missions. The focus is mostly on the RPG aspect with statistics, challenges and progressing through the story. Fights are performed using a real-time battle system where actions can be performed when certain meters are filled. There are also some quick time elements to gain advantages and control the meters. The game supports PvP either against other players or the AI. A lot of progress is also based around different currencies.
The game has a large cast of characters based around different roles such as Assassin, Attack, Balance, Support and Tank, as well as different types based on elemental elements and a rarity rating. Each character comes with several character cards that need to be unlocked as well as their moves and different types of combos. Other elements include multiple gauges, taunts and stuns that also have different effects.
Next to many familiar characters there is an equally large cast of original characters introduced in this game for the first time in the series. Many of these are based on existing characters.