In a world of human-like monsters, a young man lives in a quiet, remote village with his sister. However, he is attacked by monsters when he leaves the village. Now he works hard to become stronger so he no longer burdens his sister.
RPG Gamers summarySuccubus Affection is a side-scrolling action RPG set in a world inhabited by human-like monsters. The game follows the main character, a young man, as he strives to protect his beloved sister and the villagers from the attacks of the monster outside. To do so, he has to equip himself with various skills and weapons, which players can customize using the Skill Equip System. The game also features multiple difficulty settings to cater to different players’ skill levels. Additionally, players can befriend some of the friendly monsters and also collect ingredients to cook food for buffs. Succubus Affection is part of a collection of games that were recently released by the developer and publishers.