Half a year after Trails in the Sky SC, Father Kevin Graham takes on a routine mission on behalf of the Septian Church. He and his partner are then plunged into a realm that follows an unnaturally strict set of rules and is as intent to open old wounds as it is to keep them behind closed doors.
RPG Gamers summaryThe Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 3rd is the final installment of the Trails in the Sky series, and follows the story of Father Kevin Graham and Sister Ries Argent as they embark on a mission to retrieve an artifact from beneath Grancel Cathedral. Along the way, they discover the mysterious realm of Phantasma, which holds the secrets of the Septian Church and the pasts of the characters who fought for Liberl. The game is known for its challenging combat, and players can choose from Easy or Nightmare difficulty to suit their playstyle. The game also features new music from Falcom Sound Team jdk, as well as more Olivier.