The Legend of Zelda: Time’s Menagerie is another installment in the fan-series created by “The Undying Nephalim”, the previous entry been The Legend of Zelda: Fallen Sage. This game picks up where its predecessor left off: Link, Liyer, Mido are battling the enraged Saria at the top of the Ghoma Hive, Saria then reveals her true form and fights off hundreds of Hylian soldiers before eventually been killed by Liyer. After that, the story follows two paths: Link’s story and Mido’s story.
Link is been dragged into another war by Zelda when he is arrested by the mysterious Ooccaa and taken to their city in the sky for judgement, once there Link is tasked with escaping the city and killing the leader of the Ooccaa. Back in Hyrule, Mido is attempting to ressurect Saria along with some of the remaining party-members. Both these story-lines eventually come together for a climax that will eventually lead up to the events in the Hyrule: Total War mod for Medieval II: Total War.
The game once again runs on the RPG Maker XP engine, but quite a few changes have been made compared to the original. Instead of static pictures, players can now see their characters animate their attacks during battle, similar to a game like Pokemon Stadium. A border has also been included to fill up the black space in the game window and during conversations there are picture of the characters speaking.